Your Tennis Socks Could Be Causing Blisters
If you love playing tennis, but you hate the way you get blisters from your shoes, you might be putting the blame on the wrong article of clothing. It could be your socks instead of your shoes that are causing the issue. With many socks that are worn by tennis players, problems arise from the fit, the style, the material, and more. With that in mind, you want to be sure you're choosing the right socks, so they don't cause you blisters and hurt your feel and your game.
1) Socks don't always stay put
If you choose socks that fit your feet the right way and that settle properly into shoes that don't slip around, you'll be ahead of the crowd when it comes to making your tennis game a good one. Socks that don't stay in one place can rub your feet each time you take a step, and if you're running up and down the court a lot you may find that you're rubbing your feet so much that blisters are forming. With the right socks that are made for tennis, you get a stable sock that won't rub your feet when you move.
2) The seams can rub your feet
With good quality tennis socks you can reduce the chances of getting blisters from the stitching. Some socks have seams that are very thick, or that have a bunched style on the ends, where the seam stops. With that in mind, you may see that you're getting your feet (especially the tops of your toes) rubbed by the seam quite frequently. Seams should be small and soft, and should be in places that are much more comfortable, so you don't have to worry about them causing you problems as you move around the court. Check the socks you have carefully, and if they aren't soft enough or the seams bother you, it's time to get some new socks that will be a better fit for your needs.
3) Low-quality materials are often a problem
Another big problem with socks for tennis is that they are made with poor quality materials that are hard on your feet. Socks which have a microfiber blend are a better choice, because they provide both quality and value for any tennis player. If you aren't sure what your current socks are made from, you may want to take a look. Low-quality socks can really hurt your feet, and that's going to be damaging to your tennis game. You aren't going to feel like playing tennis when your feet have blisters, and if you need to play during that time you could end up losing because of the pain you're in.
Blisters can also become infected if they aren't cared for properly, so a sock that will help you avoid blisters and will keep moisture and friction away from any blisters that you have can be an excellent choice to improve your game.